24 Delicious Chicken Sausage Recipes

Ever wondered what you can make with chicken sausage? Will it taste good in any recipe that calls for pork or beef sausage?

The truth is, it can make a difference in flavors. But fortunately there are plenty of delicious recipes out there already that have been tested with chicken sausage!

Chicken sausages cooking on a grill

Chicken sausage is a versatile ingredient that can turn weeknight dinners into something special! With its lean protein profile and variety of flavors, it’s a fantastic alternative to fattier types of sausage.

From spicy andouilles to herbed Italian varieties, there’s a chicken sausage to suit every palate. These recipes showcase how this ingredient can work in lots of different dinner recipes.

And they’re great for both new cooks and seasoned chefs. If you love chicken sausage or are trying it because it’s lower fat than pork or beef sausage, these recipes are for you!

Chicken Sausage Recipes

Last Updated:

March 26, 2024